The discussion
in the service industry regarding the relative importance of price and service
quality has been raging for decades. As virtually any manager would agree, building
and sustaining customer loyalty is critical to business success. In fact, the
majority of business leaders participating in a recent strongly agreed that
creating a relationship with the consumer is strategically important (Aksoy,
2013). Be that as it may, is it really?
The case for service quality is really quite simple. The
service sector is experiencing rapid growth as the world continues to transition
from a product-dominant logic (PDL) to a service-dominant logic (SDL). The
transition to SDL requires a different approach to marketing. While it is
possible to study PDL marketing by observing individual transactions, SDL
marketing relies on the study of customer relationships over time with customer
satisfaction being the key construct necessary to continue the relationship
(Grönroos, & Gummerus, 2014). Therefore, while earlier service-marketing
models frequently stressed pricing, the current environment is changing the
service-marketing paradigm requiring more attention on studying the customer
lifetime value (CLV; Rust & Tuck Siong, 2006).
Support for the shift in focus to CLV can be found in
Palmatier’s, Jarvis’, Bechkoff’s, and Kardes’ (2009) argument that the
scholarly consensus based on empirical research has concluded that relationship
marketing has been demonstrated to increase customer trust and loyalty thus
influencing future purchasing decisions. However, in addition to trust and
loyalty, the researchers proposed future consumer purchasing decisions are also
influenced by another construct, gratitude. Gratitude was defined as the
consumer being appreciative of the benefits received and feeling a need to
Interestingly, Palmatier et al. (2014) suggest that feelings
of gratitude and a desire to reciprocate are influenced by the consumer’s perception
that the benefit was based on the seller’s free will and generosity. The
researchers’ contend the consumers’ feel more gratitude when employees are
empowered to resolve issues by bending the rules rather than through
well-documented consumer loyalty programs. Simply put, bending the rules to
help a consumer is perceived as free will, whereas the benefit derived from a loyalty
program is not perceived as free will. Similarly, consumers would not feel
gratitude to a salesperson providing exceptional support in the sales
transaction if they were aware that the salesperson received a commission.
Yet, on the flip side, some companies have selected a price
leadership strategy and despite having low customer satisfaction, they may
still be the consumer’s first choice. Often times, companies selecting a price
leadership strategy are able to leverage its economies of scale and pure
purchasing power in order to keep the price to the consumer lower than the
competition while still maintaining healthy margins. In these cases, price
leadership can often trump perceived service quality. As an example, according
to the American Customer Satisfaction Index (2015), Wal-Mart has the lowest
consumer satisfaction levels when compared to others in the grocery industry,
yet a recent study found that many Americans surveyed name the company as their
first choice for groceries (Keiningham, Gupta, Aksoy, & Buoye, 2014). This
leaves many organizations without similar economies of scale in the position to
compete largely on service.
Keiningham et al. (2014) argued that no business enterprise
could survive without loyal customers. However, improving service cannot be
allowed to undermine an organizations’ financial stability. While improving
customer loyalty may be strategically important, it does not eliminate the
business requirement for fiscal prudency and a well thought out strategy.
So which is most important, pricing or service quality? The
short answer is it depends on the organizations’ strategy and positioning. Companies
with lower levels of customer satisfaction can survive by leveraging economies
of scale into a price leadership strategy. However, companies without the
economies of scale risk being caught in a “no man’s land” without a strong
service strategy to migrate those who operate with a price leadership strategy.
What do you think?
Learn more about the author by checking my LinkedIn Profile
© 2015. The
Williard Group LLC
Aksoy, L. (2013). How do you measure what you can’t define?
The current state of loyalty measurement and management. Journal of Service Management 24(4). 356-38. doi:
American Customer Satisfaction Index (2015) ACSI: Retail customer satisfaction drops despite improvement for online shopping [Press
Release]. Retrieved from
Grönroos, C., & Gummerus, J. (2014). The service
revolution and its marketing implications: service logic vs service-dominant
logic. Managing service quality, 24(3), 206-229. doi:
Keiningham, T., Gupta, S., Aksoy, L., & Buoye. A.
(2014). The high price of customer satisfaction. MIT Sloan Management Review.
Retrieved from:
Palmatier, R. W., Jarvis, C. B., Bechkoff, J. R., &
Kardes, F. R. (2009). The role of customer gratitude in relationship marketing.
Journal Of Marketing, 73(5), 1-18. doi:10.1509/jmkg.73.5.1
Rust, R. T., & Tuck Siong, C. (2006). Marketing models
of service and relationships. Marketing Science, 25(6), 560-580.
doi: 10.1287/mksc.1050.0139
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